mandag, september 29, 2008

My life...

Two weekends ago I went to my aunts wedding. Elisabeth and Gjermund became one at a small mountain church faaaaar away from everything. It was pretty. My whole family was there, so it was fun. We all stayed at this big cabin, owned by DNT, but we had to hike about 1 hour to get to the car, and then drive for about 40 min to get to the church. Before the service on saturday, my aunt and uncles (the ones that were not getting married..) and cousins hiked in the mountain for a couple of hours. It was SOOO pretty, way more pretty than what you can tell by the pictures.. Enjoy..

My brother Mathias

The cabin we stayed at
My mom and dad
Bride and groom. 

Last weekend I went to Oslo, I did a whole lot, but the pictures are from Misha, Jorun, Marie and Kristins housewarming party. It was great fun, meeting up with a bunch of people that live in Oslo! During the weekend, I also visited my cousin, was leading an AFS camp at Maridalen, visited Pernille for coffee and went to Storsalen with Kristian, Ingvild and Marie. :) Oh fun... 


Marie, Shanie and Maria.. 

Shanie and me..
Skikkelig Party...
Kristin, Ingvild og Misha. 
Daniel og David
...and i spent the night at Maries!

tirsdag, september 16, 2008 times like this...

The Fall Is Here....

...I can tell by the fact that everybody is leaving me! This past wednesday, and I a goodbye lunch with Eirik and Pål Vegar, and their brother Jon Kristian and mother Sølvi. It was very nice, kinda sad, but mostly just fun. Its weird that they are leaving, Eirik to do his SBS in Montana and Pål Vegar to do his DTS in Skien... Its sad being here, left alone in Hamar... Well, I have Marie, and poor her, when I leave for Mexico she will be all alone... No, there are people her, she doesnt have to worry, but I really feel like an egoistic person for being so sad when people are leaving me, but not really care when I am the one leaving... Sorry guys.. thats life... I wish you well and good luck, and I hope you´ll make some friends during you SBS, Eirik! :) 

Oh, I "hate" my life at times like this...!

This weekend I went to Skien, to visit some friends at the YWAM base there! It was great fun! It was SOOOO good to see Kaja and Tonje and the rest of the gang again, and I had a very nice weekend filled with a lot of nothingness. I like!! It also included the fact that I´ve started painting, coffee, GOOD talks, praying, resting, lunch and dinner prep and just pure friendship-love. AW- I love my life at times like this!!
Kaja is dyeing her hair... 
Lunch prep.

I enjoy my life at times like this!
pernille and Kristin. And Taco. Norwegian Taco that is...
Marie, Misha and I. 
Aw, I love them!

mandag, september 08, 2008

Alle Barna Sov I Telt, Bortsett Fra Annis Og Marty- De hadde Teltparty!

Menighetsweekend 2008 for Hamar Frikirke, gikk av staben denne helgen, og det var en riktig koselig opplevelse... Vi var på Kirketeigen ved Kvam, og koste oss riktig så godt med godt vær og godt humør. Blant annet hadde vi Gudstjeneste i den fri, og en gjeng av oss fikk også sett hytta til Andreas! Og Lamaen Martin som var på tur ved hytta hans... 

torsdag, september 04, 2008

The end of summer… 

So, the summer  is officially over… Real Life has started, for me that’s work, and not school as my plans were… During the summer, a lot of things have happened in my life, and now its official… It’s been official for a while, but I just haven’t had time to write it on the blog… Haha.. 

I’m going back to Ensenada, Mexico!  Departue date is set to October 28th, when Marie and I had for Los Angles for some days to visit Jenny there, before we head down south to Ensenada to “drop me off there”. Im excited. Both to be there again, and to have Jenny and Marie down there. To show them what my life down there is all about. In Ensenada I will probably be running the café, and some other stuff around base. It’s a BIG base, so there will be loads of stuff to do, I hope… My plan is to stay there until June 2009, but we will see what Gods plans are… I might go to Costa Rica in January to do a Children At Risk school, together with Kelsey, my best friend from my DTS. It’s all kinda up in the air right now, but I’m calm, knowing that God is in control, and it will all work out! 

So life right now is work, work and more work…. I do have some time to friends as well,  but not as much as I would have wanted to… So, here is some pictures from the past couple of weeks, the social part, the working part of my life isn’t so much fun…. 

Pålis prøver å være kul...

Shanie og jeg lagde cookies i forje uke og hadde litt kvalitetstid med det samme! 

Middag hos Sandberg... Helene lagde ris og det smakte GODT!