Just some old picks...
About 1 week ago my church got visit from Romania, and I got really reminded about our trip down there last summer. When the team from YWAM Costanta were talking in church, they also had a lot of pics of kids and people we met when we were down there. It was fun! Yeah... So here's some pics from our trip, and some fun picks from last summer before I went to the US.
When we gopt back home...
Me and some of the kids in Romania.
At one of the meetings among the poor people.
David and I are playing backgammon...
Jon Arne and some Romanian boys.
A A bunch from the team.
Cricket at David's place...
3 kommentarer:
oi... mye (mange!) har forandret seg i løpet av det siste året
det skrives "croquet", men det får være det samme. det viktigste er at ALLE smiler i dette lykkelige krocket-øyeblikket(som jeg tror det skrives på norsk).
eller, vent litt...ikke absolutt alle.
aaa, snertne baby, jeg savner deg! Ogsaa saa goey vi hadde det! Naa er det team aaret rundt for meg, ikke daarlig. Benny lager mat til med naa, saa jeg har det ikke saa vaerst. Lotsofjoy to you
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