...selv uten at jeg blogger om det... Nå er jeg på vei tilbake, og blogger stort sett kun når jeg føler for det, og det er som regel når jeg er ute på tur. Legg gjerne igjen en kommentar! :)
fredag, januar 09, 2009
The Volcano hike in video...
On the way up... We were a little bit worried that we wouldnt make it....
By the foot of the volcano... Sorry that its the wrong way...
Martine! I am so glad you put the link to your blog on facebook. I didn't know you had this and just had so much fun looking at ALL your pictures and video's and reading your posts. WOW! What an adventure and a wonderful experience you are having right now and with two such great people. I am praying for you traveling three. Please give my love and hugs to Giezi and Kelsey. Just do a big group hug from me. Love you guys! Felicia
1 kommentar:
Martine! I am so glad you put the link to your blog on facebook. I didn't know you had this and just had so much fun looking at ALL your pictures and video's and reading your posts. WOW! What an adventure and a wonderful experience you are having right now and with two such great people. I am praying for you traveling three. Please give my love and hugs to Giezi and Kelsey. Just do a big group hug from me. Love you guys!
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